Come, Lord Jesus:
Unceasing 12-hour Praise 

‘Come, Lord Jesus’ is a collaborating worship gathering designed to give honor and glory to God Most High on Saturday, April 4, 2020.   The songs of praise and worship for Jesus will arise starting at 10 AM and will continue all throughout the day until 10 PM. Worship teams from college fellowships and local churches will come and minister before the Lord.

The purpose of the event is to usher in the Holy Spirit, fill up the VCU with the presence of God, and shift the spiritual atmosphere in Richmond City.  We believe that as the body of Christ comes together as a family of God to dedicate time to give Him adoration, the Lord will come and inhabit our praises and continue to prepare the campus and the city for a move of God that no one has ever seen!

If the Lord is leading you and your worship team to be a part of this great move, please sign up with your name and e-mail address.  We will send you the form to be filled out by your worship team. 

Location: VCU Compass (In front of Monroe Park Library) 

Submit the following information,  and we will send you the form to fill out  for your worship team.